This module enables a third party to run the affairs of an investment group.
This comes in handy where an investment group has outsourced the running of the investment group to a third party e.g. an accountant.
This third party is normally not a member of the investment group, but acts as an account manager.
How to create an account manger;
1.On the side bar menus,click on the settings tab.
2. A drop down menus appears, proceed and select Group account managers the select Add group account managers.
Settings>Group Account Managers>Add Group Account Managers.
3.An interface appears as shown below.
Fill in the account managers`s name, phone number, email address and click on add new group account manager to finalize.
Immediately, an invite is sent to the account manager,with guidelines on how to log in.
An Account Manager has the same access level as a group administrator i.e. he has the rights to view and edit member records and information.