When you make a cash or cheque payment , the money is deposited in our bank account. If you make a payment through your mobile phone, the money is deposited in our paybill. In case of an unintended payment, kindly contact your relevant bank or mobile money company and request for a reversal.
Category: Uncategorized
How to List Expense Categories
Chamasoft enables you to list all your expenses categories. On the menu select Expense Category. This link navigates the user to the multiple expense entry interfaces. Click on LIST EXPENSE CATEGORIES button. Here the user can create and enter multiple expenses at a go.
Can I change Member Profile?
Yes!! Chamasoft allows you to change and update member information. Go to; Members>Membership Management>List Members here While on the member list, click on edit to view to the specific member details. After updating the member details, click on SAVE CHANGES to save. You have successfully updated member
Can I completely remove a member from the group?
Yes!! Chamasoft enables you to delete a member from the group. This is useful in the case of a member exiting the group or there is a duplicate member you want to remove from the group. If the member account you wish to delete contains records, you must first suspend the member account before deleting […]
What is the difference between suspending a member and deleting a member?
Suspending a Member; Suspending a member will hide a member`s details from the group transactions and from all forms of reports.However, his records and transactions will be archived within the investment group. Additionally, if a member wishes to rejoin the group, his/her account can be reactivated and his historical data will be readily available. Deleting a […]
Apart from contribution notifications, can i send other messages to my members?
Yes you can. Chamasoft has a Messaging Module, which facilitates communication between members within an investment group. How to; On the side bar menu, select Messaging Module as shown below. This releases a drop down menu with both an emailing and SMS option. To send notifications via emails, click on the emailing panel as shown […]
Can i upload my photo on Chamasoft?
Yes, you can. However, this is done from the administrators panel. How to; On the side bar menu, click on the Members Module as shown below. A drop down menu appears. On the menu, click on membership management and select list members. Path to follow; Members>Membership Management>List Members This releases an interface showcasing a list […]
What happens to Feb if I put every 30th day of the month for a contribution?
For such special cases, the system will automatically re-adjust the invoicing date to the last date of the month. This means that the system will send the contribution invoices on either the 28th or on the 29th, depending on the year.
What is the difference between an ordinary member and an admin?
An administrator has administrative rights. This means that he/ she has the rights to view change and edit any record on Chamasoft. The administrators dashboard consists of a summary of the group accounts and a list of all group members as shown below. However, an ordinary member can only view his/her own records. Additionally, an ordinary […]
How do I check my account balance?
To view your account balance, Login to Chamasoft using your mobile number/email address and password. This displays the total group summary and your account summary.