Chamasoft allows you to upload a list all your members from an excel file.  This can save you a lot of time especially if you have big group with many members.

To import members, go to;

Members>Membership Management>Import Members

Fig 1: Import Members
Fig 1: Import Members

Click on the download button to download a sample template.

Fig 2: Download Template

Open the downloaded template and open it with your favorite Excel sheet editor

Fig 3: Open Excel
Fig 3: Open Excel

Fill in the following details for each member as described below,

  1. First Name: Enter the first name (mandatory)
  2. Last Name: Enter the last name (mandatory)
  3. Phone: Enter the phone number (mandatory) –  it must be a valid phone number e.g. 0723564852 and must be unique i.e. two members cannot share the same number.
  4. Enter: Enter the email address (optional), if entered, it must be a valid email address e.g. and must be unique i.e. two members cannot share the same email.

Click on the choose file button to locate your file

Importing Members

Click on IMPORT MEMBERS to update the member list.

You have successfully imported a member list.

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